Our First Photoshoot!

It’s been quite busy around here with a number of firsts. In addition to our participation in a virtual conference (www.greatbrasewingbee.com), we also had our very first photoshoot with a live model!

Labellum Pattern featured with longline option. Photography by Argos Studios.

Labellum Pattern featured with longline option. Photography by Argos Studios.

This is D - isn’t she gorgeous?

Lamina Pattern featured with overlay option. Photography by Argos Studios.

Lamina Pattern featured with overlay option. Photography by Argos Studios.

Not surprisingly, prepping for a photoshoot took alot of work behind the scenes. Careful thought was put into the color palette as well as materials. The longline Labellum was one of the favorites but definitely the most time consuming. Not only was boning required (and bone caps for the spiral boning) but working with silk had its own challenges. In retrospect, it was probably not the best idea to work with silk for the first time the night before the shoot!

Photography by Argos Studios

Photography by Argos Studios

After a few sleepless nights and sunburned shoulders (remember your sunblock folks - even if its overcast), we’ve learned alot and look forward to our next photoshoot!

If you are interested in being featured as a model and are located in the Los Angeles area, check out this link for details https://www.lilypadesigns.com/model-search